Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday evening

Another good day of therapy today. Physical therapy including walking without the walker today. The therapist was holding her hand for balance but that's still a step forward. She also practiced walking on carpet and on a foam pad that simulated an uneven surface. She did great.

Occupational therapy worked on writing and money math. Mom did well with both and her handwriting still looks neat and perfect like before.

She learned a new dice game during rec therapy an she had her friends Nan and Sherill write down the rules so we can play it at home.

This evening when we arrived mom read her own cards and is managing the blind spot quite well. I think she will figure out all the tricks about turning her head to see things just about the time her vision comes back for good.

Mom also spent some time on the computer cleaning out junk mail today (I've been reading her all of the good stuff but I left the junk for her to sort through).

Overall mom seems the most like her old self today. She even looked through tutorials on how to make greeting cards and made plans for her next card making classes.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best news yet. Way to go, Linda!! Thanks so much, Melissa, for your faithful updates to all of us. I look forward to reading your blog each day.
